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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Explanation of Order of surah in Quran

If you look at the first surah of the Qur'an, namely
Al-Fatihah, you can perceive that it acts as a summary for the
structure and the message of the Book (Qur'an) ahead of every reader.

Umm Al-Qur'an (the Mother of the Qur'an), it carries all its themes; it
summarizes them. It tells us who Allah is: the source of all love and
mercy. Therefore, knowing who He is, we should be thankful to Him and
worship Him alone. We should seek His help, and He has all the power to
give us whatever we need. It makes it clear that Allah is the only One
Who can really guide. It speaks about life after death and the
consequences of human action and behavior.
same holds true for Surat Al-Baqarah. The first verses speak about the
fact that this Book is above all doubts and it is beyond the abilities
of doubters to try to challenge its validity. Then it gives a hint on
its main theme — guiding the righteous — and then goes on to speak
about the beginning of creation and the story of Adam to establish the
theme that humankind is here on earth as a vicegerent of the Creator
and should use the Book as a manual to carry out the mission in the
right way.
All these themes and
messages cannot be carried except through this logical order in which
Allah commanded for the Qur'an to be put. If a surah like Al-`Alaq was
to be put at the beginning instead of Al-Fatihah, it could have given a
significance of course and give a message, but not the exact fully
wonderful message that we can get from the order of the Qur'an as it is

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